Today Enkidu and I will travel to Cedar Mountain to defeat Humbaba. Humbaba is a monsterous guardian who doesn't allow people in his domain. After killing the Bull of Heaven Enkidu was sentenced to death by the gods as a punishment because of his actions. As his best friend I am feeling very distressed and slowly morning the loss of my best friend. That's all I have for today, tomorrow will be a new beginning as I continue on the journey now alone.
1/16/2013 02:38:21 am

Hey Man, I hope you find what you're looking for. I'm sorry about your friend. :(:(

Mr. Jones
1/16/2013 02:42:16 am

What young people need today is a good swift kick in the pants. If you two whippersnappers were more responsible, none of those tradgedies would have to you. Back in my day, we didn't have no roads. All we had was dirt. And, we had to walk up hill both ways in the snow with no shoes in three feet of snow. You younguns should be thankful more bad things didn't happen to you.


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    My name is Gilgamesh, I write about my journey to find immortality.


    January 2013

